Road bikers, commuters and boulevardiers all agree: Georgia should join the seventeen other states that demand a three foot safe passing buffer between motor vehicles and bicycles. This warm Tuesday morning, our Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and many other metro area politicians rode in solidarity with the thousands of cyclists who rallied at the capitol in support of this legislation, HB 180.
Often butterflies flit past our distracted gaze. Sometimes we are lucky enough to see them stilled. A swallowtail much like this one kept company with me for a precious moment today as we wafted along the riverside path in near silence. Riding a bicycle never felt more like flying!
What's a stylish urban commuter to do with her Senegalese skirt in late winter? Wear it as a scarf, of course! Fixie Bike Gallery renewed her vintage 3-speed ride.
While someone's painted over the 'Catlanta' tags along Dekalb Avenue, a few remain in The Old Fourth Ward. 'Bike Love' clinched this BeltLine location for a blogging summit with Fiona of ATL Bike Porn. Look for her treatment of my vintage 3-speed.
coat: thrifted in San Francisco boots: Steve Madden scarf: mom's souvenir of India polka dot bar tape: Fixie Bicycle Gallery
Drawn to things glamorous and off-beat, I am seeking photographic commissions. Email me.
Best Fashion Blogger 2011
When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race.
~H.G. Wells
The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart.